Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How To Attack Gold members who have troops evasion On

Troop Evasion is on and u want to make casualties on those players......::=

In travian u can see that many players have Gold club activated So they can access more function of travian .....
Troop Evasion is one of them ...Now it is a good function to stop casualties when village is under attack....
Drawback:Now this function has a drawback Troops arrive from some attack this Troops evasion function is not available for 10 sec....

Now Let me Explain u with A simple example..:

there are two players one is A and another is B .Now both has gold club activated ans they both has turned on troop evasion function...But B is more experianced and he sends troops just within 10 seconds after player A attacks on B ....So in stead of evasion of troops player A looses troops in as soon as they reaches to village of A..........Because Troops needed rest for 10 sec after reinforcement.....
for more info click here

another Advantage of Gold club due to troop evasion is attacker can carry many resources without any causality .....

this are the Reports which explains the 10 second draw back of gold club...

Please see the time difference of attack and defense..

This is some points to Attack Gold Player....

1> First check which tribe attacker has...

Attacker and defender both have same tribe or not.....
If have then open send troop tab and enter attacker's coordinates....
and wait for his attack. As soon as his attack on us is done send your troops just after him...
So attacker's troops do not get chance of Evasion ...

Now what If defender and attacker have different tribe? In this Case you need to use some tools like or getter tools .

2> If Both tribe are same then no prob. But what if both tribe are different..?
Use getter tools and find at which time attacker's troops will reach back to attacker's village..
and then you take Difference of 5-10 sec and use and find your time of attack ...
Then just set up send troops tab and see the arrival time of troops as soon as they have difference of 5-10 second send troops to attacker's village.

Now see the damage of that attacker and Enjoy Game....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bigineer's protaction Jusr over-Day 4

Start from Day Four – The Scout

Your beginner’s protection just expired.

You start the day with 45 clubswingers. By the end of day 4, you will have a respectable army of over 100 clubswingers and a small scout army. You will need plenty of crop to support that army.

Extend Cropland L3
Extend Cropland L3

You would have researched scouts yesterday. So train 2 scouts.

Train 2 scouts

When your scouts are ready, scout those Gaul players whom you’ve been avoiding all this time. If they have no troops, then raid them. If they have troops, use the Combat Simulator to calculate your losses, and then calculate if it’s profitable to raid them.

For example, if you see a single rat there, then it takes 3 clubswingers to kill a rat with no losses of your own. If you see a rat and 2 phalanxs, then send at least 20 clubswingers. You will lose one clubswinger, but sending less than 20 will cost you 2 clubswingers.

How do I know this? Use the Combat Simulator.

To scout a village, send only 1 scout (not 2). You can scout all players around you without fear. Chances are no one has scouts at this stage. If your scout dies while scouting, then leave that player alone. Any player who has scouts at this stage is an experienced player, and you’re better off looking for easier prey.

Use your scouts to help you locate rich farms. You will find plenty, but you just don’t have enough clubswingers to raid with. Priority still goes to training clubswingers.

Extend Warehouse L3
Extend Woodcutter L2

Due to imbalance in resource, I NPC here.

Train 12 clubswingers
Extend Granary L3

Very soon you will need to focus on culture point in order to found a new village. Build an embassy. It is cheap, and also a great CP generator. Main Building is also an excellent CP generator.

Extend Embassy L1

Continue to raid all this time, and continue to train clubswingers in the barracks. Training is non-stop in the barracks, while you extend the structures. There is no need to extend the barracks as long as you train continuously.

Extend Woodcutter L2
Extend Main Building L6
Extend Main Building L7
Extend Cropland L4
Extend Cropland L4
Extend Granary L4
Extend Warehouse L4
Extend Clay Pit L2
Extend Clay Pit L2
Extend Clay Pit L2
Extend Iron Mine L2
Extend Iron Mine L2

Upon completing Iron Mine L2, you would have completed Taskmaster task 22. Click on the taskmaster to collect your reward of 15 gold. The taskmaster leaves you at this point.

By evening, I have 105 clubswingers and 2 scouts.

Extend Cropland L4
Extend Main Building L8
Extend Granary L5
Extend Woodcutter L3
Extend Woodcutter L3
Extend Woodcutter L3
Extend Woodcutter L3

By late night, I finish with 110 clubswingers and 2 scouts. Build two more levels of the Main Building and leave it to queue overnight.

Extend Main Building L9
Extend Main Building L10

Day Five – Infrastructure

You begin the day with a bad crop situation, about over –70/per hour. For today, build croplands to lessen the burden, and you need to increase your culture point production.

Main Building are great CP producers, but it is also important in order to reduce your build time. Building resource fields to L3 also generates a point of CP, so level up those clay pits and iron mines to crank up CP production.

Wall L1 and Cranny L1 are also cheap CP producers.

Extend Main Building L11
Extend Main Building L12
Extend Cropland L5
Extend Cropland L5
Extend Cropland L5
Extend Cropland L5
Extend Cropland L5
Extend Cropland L5All croplands are L5 now
Extend Residence L1
Extend Warehouse L5
Extend Earth Wall L1For CP production
Extend Clay Pit L3
Extend Clay Pit L3
Extend Clay Pit L3
Extend Clay Pit L3
Extend Iron Mine L3
Extend Iron Mine L3
Extend Iron Mine L3
Extend Iron Mine L3

At this stage, all croplands are at L5 and all resource fields at L3.

It would be late night by now. Build Main Building and leave it to queue overnight. I NPC to get the correct amount of resources for Main Building.

Extend Main Building L13
Extend Main Building L14

The resource fields, wall and residence are all for CP production. You would have increased your CP production by 25/per day. Troop training is minimal, so I finish the day with 120 clubswingers and 5 scouts.

Day Six – A Strong Economy

Continue to expand your army for raiding and build resource structures today. Concentrate on resource buildings because a strong economy is a must.

Extend Warehouse L6
Extend Granary L6
Extend Woodcutter L4
Extend Woodcutter L4
Extend Woodcutter L4
Extend Woodcutter L4
Extend Clay Pit L4
Extend Clay Pit L4
Extend Clay Pit L4
Extend Clay Pit L4
Extend Iron Mine L4
Extend Iron Mine L4
Extend Iron Mine L4
Extend Iron Mine L4
Extend Warehouse L7
Extend Cropland L6
Extend Cropland L6
Extend Cropland L6
Extend Cropland L6
Extend Cropland L6
Extend Cropland L6
Extend Grain Mill L1

I finish the day with almost 200 clubswingers and 10 scouts.

Day Seven – Raiding Frenzy

On day 7, now that you have a small scout army, then its time to increase your raiding efficiency. The clubswinger is the best overall raider in the game. And combined with the scout, they make a deadly combination.

First thing in the morning, send them out to scout every village in your 7 x 7 grid. Wait for the report to arrive. Do not send any attacks yet.

When the scout report arrives, calculate how many clubswingers are needed in order to collect all the resources. One clubswinger can collect 60 resources, so you can do the math. Then send the precise number of clubswingers.

If there are troops defending the village, like maybe there are 2 phalanxs or 4 legionnaires, use the Combat Simulator and find out how many clubswingers you should to send in order to minimize troop losses. Then calculate the amount of resource you will steal, versus the cost of number of troops you will lose.

If you can make a profit, then send off your attack. Otherwise, just send another scout again.

Scouting is invaluable. That is why you need to train scouts as soon as you can. It will increase your raiding efficiency many times over.

When all your scouts are back, then move to the next 7 x 7 grid. Let’s say its the 7 x 7 grid to the North. And repeat the whole process. Send 1 scout to every village. Wait for the report, then send the clubswingers.

Then move on to the next 7 x 7 grid. And repeat again.

If you have remaining clubswingers sitting at home doing nothing because they are waiting for the scouts to return, then send them all out to raid every village below 10 population. You may need to go out further, beyond your 21 x 21 grid.

Send only 2, at most 3 clubswingers because this is blind raiding. If they come back with a full load, then send the clubswingers out again.

So if you have 30 clubswingers, then you need to raid 10 villages (ie, 3 clubs each). The reason for sending so few clubs is because you don’t know how much resource they have. And by choosing small villages, you are ensuring your clubs won’t die.

That is how top robbers are made. Check your stats. You will probably have almost reached the top robber spot, if not already there, but only if you are hardworking enough and only if you have a strong clubswinger army. And only if you raid like there’s no tomorrow.

Extend Warehouse L8
Extend Granary L7
Extend Woodcutter L5
Extend Woodcutter L5
Extend Woodcutter L5
Extend Woodcutter L5
Extend Clay Pit L5
Extend Clay Pit L5
Extend Clay Pit L5
Extend Clay Pit L5
Extend Iron Mine L5
Extend Iron Mine L5
Extend Iron Mine L5
Extend Cropland L7
Extend Cropland L7
Extend Main Building L15

Build the Main Building overnight. By the end of day 7, I have around 250 clubswingers. And 15 scouts.